Tuesday, May 6, 2008

collage and playing w photoshop

Pink speaks to me today. Found this beautiful photoshoot here:http://community.livejournal.com/mixologies/ a long time ago. It’s a photshoot called "Heavenly Creatures" by Benjamin Alexander Huseby. I so love this editorial. I´ve been planning to play with the scans for sucha long time so i ended up doing this today.

Found sucha amazing set of dried flowers and plants (from the 50´s and 60´s!) at the fleamarket and i felt so inpired and created this collage. [this is available at my etsy store yes i created etsy account but been too lazy to add much there :o].

and last a little digital collage i made to cheer up my day. I stick it on my wall at the office ;)

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I am a self taught mixed media artist from Finland. I´m inspired by vintage, nature, polaroids, history, poetry etc.